The last week

Holy shit. I had no idea how exhausting all of this was going to be.

We are in our final week – nay – final days in Portland. I’d like to think that my last week could be relaxing, enjoyable even … visit friends, maybe do my last favorite hike one more time, get sushi at my favorite restaurant. Nope. None of that is happening.

Over the last few months, I have had to research and apply for daycares in Vermont, get bids on transporting a car across the country, figure out the best and cheapest way to move our stuff 3,000 miles and then figure out how to get the actual family across country. I’ve had to strategize how to move out the stuff we didn’t need anymore whether it was a yard sale, online listing, friend giveaway, Goodwill or the good ole dump run. I’ve had to switch cell phone carriers, make runs to Lowes or Home Depot for packing supplies, pack and repack and pack again.

This last week especially has been a frantic push to just get stuff packed, out of the house and think about the trip ahead. And despite feeling like I’ve done a relatively good job in getting most of it done ahead of time, I know – I just know that come Saturday, it’s all the stuff we’ve been using day in and day out that will pile up and make all the prior weeks of pre-packing feel pointless.

I still don’t know how I am going to pull all of this off. If Max and I get to Vermont – on time, with our bags and no major breakdowns – if Jacob and Finn set off on their x-country drive and make it to Vermont with no major issues – if the house is cleaned out and handed over to its new owners (modestly) cleaned and empty, if my car and all of the earthly possessions somehow make it to their final destination unscathed – I will be SHOCKED. And I will also be rather proud of myself.

With everything that’s going on, I haven’t had much time to process our leaving. The news owners have already started directing their mail to our house. And while this is perfectly reasonable, it’s just another reminder that we are in limbo. Neither here, nor there.

I did have one respite this past weekend. I was able to escape with Max to Multnomah Falls one last time over the weekend (primarily to burn fuel in my tank before the auto transporter came to get it, but still). We had a grand time – echoing in the tunnel, hiking up the path to the bridge. And as we turned to leave, I remembered it was the last time I’d visit or drive by the falls for a long while. I spent so much time over the last ten years hiking throughout the Gorge. It has always been one of my favorite escapes. I am happy I got to share a bit of that with Max over the weekend. By the time we left, the parking lot was mayhem, and I simultaneously felt happy to be leaving the crowds and chaos behind.

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